With Love,
In Your Corner
A space for healing, growth,
education and empowerment
With Love,

Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Shannalei Henry. I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW), therapeutic coach, mentor, and author.
Some of my other and more important roles are believer, wife, daughter, friend, and lover of all things travel/food/adventure.
I am a Connecticut native with undergraduate, graduate, and working experience in New York. I have worked in the field for about 7 years and currently reside in South Florida.
As an afro Latina raised in a Hispanic household and community, I heard many thoughts and opinions about therapy and asking for "outside" help. Today there is progress that moves us away from the stigma towards a place of understanding and healing. The best way to do it is together. And I am here In Your Corner.
Working in the field with different ages (3 years old to late 50s), various cultures and ethnicities, and placements; I have found a true passion for working with those in their early 20s to mid-30s. I also enjoy working with teams, groups, and those in leadership roles.
Therapeutic coaching in these areas: • struggles with life stages • relationship (various kinds)
• socialization • communication • struggle with self-image • trauma • depression • anxiety
Consultations in areas of: • mental health • counseling in educational settings •women in business • group/teamwork • workshops/training (mindset and relational driven)
Hablo español y te quiero ayudar!

Every person and group is different with their own individual experiences. Knowing this, I create an individualized plan with different methods to help each client achieve their goals and work towards their healing.
I use a combination of psychoanalysis and instinctual reasoning.
Psychoanalysis works to understand deeply embedded thoughts, experiences, and emotions while connecting them to current experiences and trends in our lives
Instinctual reasoning is the emotions(s) that cannot be explained but are known and felt within.
In Your Corner Journal
15 min
I wanted to thank you for your dedication and support through this last season!
The Adapting to Life Changes program truly changed my perspective on new challenges and helped me dig deeper to unlock more faith in God and myself. Through our conversations, I was able to uproot some limiting beliefs and shift my mindset. Your intentional questions and informative sessions have given me tools that I can use to continue building towards my future. I am looking forward to continuing our client to therapeutic coach relationship!
- Jenn

Thank you for the opportunity to be in your corner. In my life we may be labeled for different reasons but today I want you to be empowered. Empowered to feel how you want to feel.